Oct 04, 2019 at 02:47 pm by admin

It happens every coupla years. The World Boxing Federation balloons in size. The inflation is caused when the "Fighters" in politics announce their purported level of spunk.

Bombarded by TV and radio political ads, a foreign visitor must wonder if any American politician is honest or all are just hacks. Political ads appear to bear no resemblance to the needs of Americans.

Income gaps widen unabated by congressional action. The average CEO makes 350 times the average middle class wage earner($ 12 million to $35 thousand.)

In Kentucky a minimum wage earner fortunate enough to be covered by Federal Laws will earn about $15,000 a year. A single parent with children is virtually guaranteed to need food stamps or rental assistance. This is America? Shame on us.

The Circus Elephants always make their grand entry in single file with trunks grasping the tail of the elephant ahead.

The elephants' wardrobes are different.

Two have a Coat of Arms Emblem on each side, the first with the word "Koch Millions" and the second "Koch Billions", they are followed by an elephant in forest camouflage paint in an effort to conceal the scarlet letters :"Americans for Prosperity."

The next elephant wears desert camouflage in a brazen attempt to conceal the truth, all the while hoping no one will notice the small print: "Crossroads GPS."

And last but not least the haggard unadorned replica of an elephant named simply "Senior Senator", atop the logo: "Make Me an Offer." Oops, is that brown ring about halfway up the trunk a mark of distinction or something that could not be concealed?

If one has hitched their wagon to Ponce de Leon's horse in pursuit of the fabled Fountain of Youth, then feel free to criticize Medicare, Obamacare, and Social Security. Remember to share with your parents, aunts, and uncles and others your longevity secret; too many elders remember the diet was beans and taters in the County Poor Houses of their youth, beggars--not pan handlers- on street corners in our larger cities.

The prospect of Right to Work Laws portend a return to the 12 hour work day working alongside a couple of ten year olds. A horrible vision from the past. A vision created by heartless money grubbers who did not give a hoot about the workers under their aegis. These heartless ones have been brought to heel in the past by unions, a fight that continues in picket lines and in Congress. When the water rises the boats of organized labor, all boats on the water rise.

Elections really do count.

In 2019/2020 do we want more corporate control of Frankfort and in Washington? The choice is clear: Vote for the Party that created a pompous Supreme Court, resulting in a core group of judges challenging God by creating a new species of "people"-- the corporations.

Or, vote for the Party that actually stands up for real people. We must not let the Democracy of the people, by the people and for the people slip away.

Tags: Democrat election 2019 Kentucky Republican right to work Voting
Sections: Editorials