Rand Paul - A Hypocritical Quisling

Jul 14, 2021 at 11:16 am by admin

In case you are wondering, a Quisling is one who betrays a trust or an allegiance. A hypocrite is a person who acts in contradiction to stated beliefs.

Let's see if we can figure out what Rand Paul really believes.

"The philosophy of Rand Paul is very similar to the Supreme Court of the 1890s. It gave us almost 100 years of segregation, white supremacy, lynching, chain gangs, the KKK, and discrimination of African Americans for no other reason except their skin color. The rights of former slaves were completely reversed once the Supreme Court prevented the federal government from protecting them," says Bruce Bartlett, Reagan domestic policy adviser.

Regulations by government are there to protect life, liberty, and property!

Paul has said it is the duty of the government to protect life.

If he can justify government involvement in a women's right to privacy and choice, why is government involvement in the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Civil Rights Acts so problematic for him?

These acts of Congress acknowledge that the poor and minorities are at risk for having their civil liberties violated.

Rand Paul's opposition to these laws is hypocritical because these laws seek to protect the very rights that he claims to defend.

And where is Rand Paul's outrage for the way the justice system unfairly targets and convicts minorities?

His hypocrisy continues.

Rand is also opposed to same sex marriage, saying "I really don't understand any other kind of marriage. I just don't think it is good for us to change the definition."

it's okay to restrict the liberties of someone else if it goes against his beliefs.

He also compared the idea that women and men should be paid the same for equal work to Soviet Russia. He believes that the free market should be allowed to determine what individuals should get paid.

The issue with the free market is that it doesn't care about our civil liberties or civil rights.

Rand Paul's protection of children doesn't seem to extend beyond the womb. Air pollution is a leading cause of a myriad of health problems including chronic lung disease and heart problems.

Paul introduced a resolution that sought to overturn new rules instilled by the Environmental Protection Agency to limit power plant pollution. He said the regulations were, "job killing."

What Paul must explain are some his contradictions on his stated beliefs:

Does a business's right to operate outweigh my individual right to breathe clean air, drink clean water or eat non-contaminated food?

Do Sen. Paul's views against gay marriage outweigh the right of an individual be afforded the same liberties and rights guaranteed to others?

Do the rights of any one business or person outweigh the rights of another?

Rand Paul can't cherry pick which rights he is going to protect.

We are all used to Sen. Paul's defenses of his "deeply held" principles.

According to Paul's website, his career in the Senate is that of a man who has fought doggedly for civil liberties, reduced spending, and conservative values.

Except he has not done those things, he only pays lip service when the lights are on and the cameras are rolling.

Paul's devotion to the Constitution somehow did not prevent him from endorsing Alabama's constitutionally illiterate Roy Moore -- a man who vocally supported religious tests for office, in defiance of Article VI of the Constitution.

In the foreign policy arena, Paul introduced a bill to end foreign aid to Israel, saying, "I think they're an important ally, but I also think that their per capita income is greater than probably three-fourths of the rest of the world." When the presidential primaries rolled around, however, Paul claimed that he had never "really proposed that."

In May, Greg DeLancey, Republican columnist for the Murray, KY Ledger and Times said of Paul, "When a voice like Sen. Paul states the truth...the Truth is something we should never fear. What, however, we should fear is the push for equity, a veiled Utopian movement that destroys equality"?

So Mr. DeLancey and Sen. Paul, without equity, being "fair and just", you cannot have equality, an ideal of a democratic society.

Rand Paul - Hypocritical Quisling

Tags: Charles Booker editorial election 2022 Kentucky politics Marshall Ward Rand Paul
Sections: Editorials