To the Editor -
First, please note that I am in no way convinced that this "Billionaire Bail Out" will even work. Each Bush-Bail-Out to date (i.e. Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, AIG) was supposed to end the hemorrhaging of the banking industry; yet each has had little effect. Each time the Bush Administration tries to shovel a load down our throats, as the unwashed masses, we are simply expected to accept it and be merry? Surely you jest!
Now, make no mistake, my opponent, Ed Whitfield, has consistently sided with the Republicans, smack dab on the side of big business with the deregulation of every conceivable industry. Do I believe he is partially to blame for this debacle? Absolutely! Not only is Exxon Eddie bought and paid for by special interest groups, but his personal portfolio investments insist that the stock market soar with reckless regard.
Undoubtedly, Congress will vote to burden the average citizen for generations because of the greed and corruption of those who have had so much power for so long. Even more depressing is that this added financial burden will be used as an excuse to ignore the needs of veterans, the uninsured, poor children and families, crumbling infrastructure and every other social need for years and years to come.
If this doesn't wake up American Citizens this election year, I simply don't know if anything ever will.
Heather Ryan
Democratic Candidate, U.S. House of Representatives