Casino Gaming - What the Candidates Say

Sep 25, 2007 at 01:46 pm by admin


Beshear – Let the Voters Decide

“As Kentucky's next Governor, I will work with the House and Senate to place a constitutional amendment on the ballot which would allow expanded gaming in Kentucky. It is time that the people be allowed to vote on whether they want expanded gaming in our state. The number of locations in Kentucky where expanded gaming is allowed should be limited and strictly controlled. Those locations should be a combination of racetracks and freestanding facilities.

Fletcher: Clear Opposition to Casino Gambling

“While casinos have a tremendous impact on families and communities through a depressed economic environment and increased crime they produce, casinos are also a breeding ground for other social and political ills that would have a negative effect on Kentucky families. Though most gamblers are not “hooked,” some begin to gamble well beyond reason or their financial ability. Researchers at the National Opinion Research Center found that adults living within 50 miles of a casino had double the probability of pathological or problem gambling”.

And so the argument over casino gambling goes.

Sections: Politics & Government