Will Casino Gambling Be the Make or Break Issue in the November Election?

Sep 28, 2007 at 02:06 pm by admin

WILL CASINO GAMBLING BE THE MAKE OR BREAK ISSUE IN NOVEMBER'S ELECTION? Some studies seem to indicate an increasing tolerance of gaming as an acceptable form of entertainment among U.S. citizens. This is especially true when the question is presented as a choice between gambling expansion and tax increases. At the same time, studies on the effects of gambling on communities and individuals continue to encourage those who oppose gambling expansion including lawmakers, private organizations and individual citizens. Democratic elected officials privately express dismay that casino gambling is the cornerstone of their candidate’s campaign. Supporting casino gambling in conservative West Kentucky will be long remembered by those who oppose it. Opposing it publicly when the next governor (if the polls are accurate) is strongly in favor of it, is not a formula to make one popular in Frankfort when blacktop and public building time comes around. Most choose to keep a low profile when casino gaming is the topic. Republican elected officials are happier that they can appeal to their natural base. Unfortunately, if the “one in four Americans have visited a casino” holds true for Western Kentuckians, then one quarter of their voters have been to a casino. With Democratic registration still strong, remaining in office means not strongly opposing casino gambling. Neither can Republican officials take a stance to let the voters decide. The Fletcher administration still has some big checks to hand out before the election. Voters we polled are not particularly passionate either way. Their attitude is generally that we need the jobs here in West Kentucky. Metropolis, Illinois is on the local news regularly and the stories are not doom and gloom, but who’s coming to the Superman Festival. West Kentuckians understand the dangers of casino gaming, but seem willing to risk it for economic development and to keep taxes down. Both political camps know West Kentuckians will play a major role in the November election. Each candidate is relying on their theory of gaming to get voters to the polls. But, in our opinion, very few voters have only casino gaming on their minds. Jobs, health care, education, and the outward migration from this area are the issues that are getting their attention. Neither side has done a good job communicating their passion on any of those issues. And that’s too bad.

Sections: Politics & Government