Hickman County Future Business Leaders Compete Successfully

Apr 24, 2009 at 09:27 am by admin



Above, Students winners at Murray State. (Jacob and Ben Paul not pictured)

The Hickman County chapter of Future Business Leaders of America attended the Region 1 Leadership Conference at Murray State University on March 2.  Students participating competed in a wide range of business events.  We are proud to have brought home many tropheys including the following: 

First place - Business Communications—Jacob Paul; 
First place - FBLA Principles and Procedures—Ben Paul;
First place, Introduction to Business—Alex Allen;
First place, Parliamentary Procedures team—Joseph Kimbell, Brooke Yates, Cody Broyles, Corey Frizzell, and Daniel Kimbell;
Second place, Accounting II—Chelsey Barnt;
Second place, Spreadsheet Applications—Morgan Griffith;
Second place, FBLA Scrapbook—Meredith Bizzle;
Second place, FBLA Nametags—Megan Godby;
Third place, Local Annual Business Report—Jacob Paul;
Third place, Local Chapter Newsletter—Carrie Wilmurth, Shelby Stewart;
Third place, Talent Show—Loni Grogan, Megan Godby;
Top 6 in Job Interview—Kari Kelly;
Top 6 in Business Presentations—Theresa Curling, Paige Barclay.
 In addition, Jacob Paul was named to Who’s Who in FBLA and Joseph Kimbell will represent
Region 1 as the Region 1 Parliamentarian for 2009-10. 

Pictured: state winners - Meredith Bizzle, Ben Paul, Carrie Wilmurth and Shelby Stewart

On April 14-16, the regional winners from FBLA journeyed to Louisville, KY for the FBLA State Leadership Conference. Our chapter faced tremendous competition from around the state and is extremely proud to have placed in three events at the state level. They include: 
1st place, FBLA Scrapbook, Meredith Bizzle;
2nd place, FBLA Principals and Procedures, Ben Paul; and
2nd place, Chapter Newsletter—Carrie Wilmurth, Shelby Stewart. Ben Paul will advance to the national level in Anaheim, California this summer. 

Congratulations HCHS FBLA for an outstanding year!
Tags: Clinton competition future leaders Hickman County Hickman County High School high school students young people
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