Conway picks up endorsements from labor unions

Jun 08, 2009 at 04:56 pm by admin

Louisville, KY – UFCW Local 227, Teamsters Local 89, Jefferson County Teachers Association (JCTA), UFCW IN-KY State Council, UFCW Distillery Workers Council, UFCW Chemical Workers Council and Teamsters Joint Council 94 released the following statement today endorsing Attorney General Jack Conway for U.S. Senate:

Working families in Kentucky deserve new leadership in the U.S. Senate. Attorney General Jack Conway’s commitment to education, protecting Kentucky families and recruiting high quality jobs to our Commonwealth will provide us with the leadership we need for positive change in Kentucky and America.

“Democrats in Kentucky have a tough choice between two great candidates for U.S. Senate,” said UFCW Local 227 President Gary K. Best. “Kentuckians need a new generation of leadership, and Local 227 believes Jack Conway will provide that leadership as United States Senator.”  

Collectively UFCW, Teamsters, JCTA and the Councils represent approximately 100,000 working and retired Kentuckians throughout the Commonwealth.

“Jack Conway has shown commitment to working families in Kentucky, as a public servant and elected official,” said Teamsters Local 89 President Fred Zuckerman. “Local 89 is proud to pledge our support to Attorney General Conway for U.S. Senate.”

“Kentuckians deserve a strong voice in the U.S. Senate to help create positive changes to our education system,” said JCTA Executive Director Steve Neal. “Our committee is proud to endorse Jack Conway as a strong voice for education and educators.”

“I am honored to have the support of these important voices for working men and women in the Commonwealth. As the grandson of a union blacksmith who never missed a day of work, I understand the hard work, issues and pride of our labor families. I am running for the U.S. Senate because it is time that Kentucky’s working families have a strong voice in the Senate,” said Attorney General Jack Conway. “This is a major endorsement that sends a strong message across Kentucky and to Democrats across America about our campaign.”

Tags: Conway labor US Senate
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