Company witnesses testify at PSC hearing

Aug 19, 2009 at 02:27 pm by admin

The Kentucky Public Service Commission heard the rate increase request filed by Water Services, Inc. in early 2009 on Wednesday, August 19th. The hearing which was broadcast on the Internet wrapped up midafternoon that day.
Because of some technical problems at the beginning of the hearing, I missed the earliest testimony. The only witnesses were those for the company. County Judge Greg Pruitt attended the hearing in Frankfort, but wasn't called to testify.
Some highlights of Ms. Ahearn’s testimony. Ahearn is the company’s financial expert.
 Some highlights of Utilities, Inc. (UI) Regional Director Martin Lashua’s testimony:
Briefs are due August 31st
Tags: AIG PSC utilities inc. Water Services Inc.
Sections: FrontPage News