Governor's Office responds to inquiries on Kelley and Brockenborough appointments

Aug 20, 2009 at 03:48 pm by admin

Jill Midkiff, Deputy Communications Director in Governor Beshear's Office sent me the following statement.

"Ms. Potter—In response to your inquiry about the recent appointment of Mr. Larry Kelley and the reappointment of Mr. Bruce Brockenborough to the West Kentucky Community and Technical College Board of Directors, please see the following. You may attribute both statements to me as a spokesperson for Gov. Beshear.
Mr. Kelley fully disclosed the issues in question. They occurred nearly 20 years ago. He has paid his debt to society and has demonstrated a commitment to public service. If we are serious about allowing people to rejoin society, then these issues, which were fully disclosed, should not preclude Mr. Kelley’s public service now and in the future.
With regard to Mr. Brockenborough, the issues surrounding his bachelor’s degree were, as we understand it, the result of some administrative issues, not anything intentional on the part of Mr. Brockenborough. Furthermore, Mr. Brockenborough has reported to us that those issues have since been resolved."
Tags: Bruce Brockenborough Governor Beshear higher education Larry Kelley West Kentucky Community Technical College
Sections: FrontPage News