Just in case you missed it - Senators "pass" health reform

Nov 23, 2009 at 05:32 pm by admin

Kentucky's two senators voted "No" Saturday evening on the Senate health care bill. Senator McConnell told Sunday morning talk shows that his constituents don't want health care reform.

The bill, passed by a filibuster proof 60 Democrats,  will be debated at least until the end of the year, revised, amended, loaded down with nice things for good boys and girls who cooperate before being voted on again. If it passes in its new improved form (Read here: no public option), it will be sent to conference committee with the House where it will be pieced together like Granny's old quilt, hung out to dry and then thrown over the eyes of the American public.

Victory will then be declared by Congress and the White House while the insurance companies quietly go back to biz as usual.

Tags: Congress health care reform Jim Bunning Mitch McConnell Senate
Sections: FrontPage News