Editor's note and introduction

Jan 14, 2010 at 04:23 pm by admin

Strategic Geo-Political Considerations for Kentucky
                    Natural Resources Issues 2010-2012
Editor’s Note:  Due to Kentucky’s geography and geology, the state has been either blessed or cursed by its unique physical features for sustaining life in the new world of post Copenhagen Climate Conference. Whether it’s a blessing or curse will be determined by the outcome of a 100 year cycle of big business and pure capitalism versus enlightened environmental management and new green technology jobs. 
For Kentucky, this struggle will intensify during the upcoming political elections from 2010 through 2012.   Geo-political futurist Ivan C. Potter has written a series of integrated articles about the fallout of Copenhagen and the realities of climate change politics in Kentucky.   
Tags: coal Copenhagen environment ivan potter
Sections: Technology & Science