TWTWTW - Introduction

Feb 09, 2010 at 09:05 pm by admin

That Was The Week That Was
Events that change our lives often happen beyond our sight or knowledge. Most of us work and live in tight media bubbles in which we receive limited access to important voices of linking the “dots” into a framework where we can understand how events change our lives.
Back in the media Stone Age of 1965, there was a TV show called “That Was The Week That Was”. In its day, it served as the Jon Stewart Daily Show. The cast members made fun of the status quo and important national leaders. More important, the show offered a glimpse into national trends and happenings that would come to direct how most people would live or be impact by such happenings. Humor conquered ignorance.
Flash forward 45 years. It is now time to once again talk about how in one week, several events took place that will impact the lives of hundreds of million Americans. The week in review was from January 20, 2010 through January 27, 2010. THAT WAS THE WEEK THAT WAS. Below is a list of events that will define this week as a major historical disruptive period in spatial temporal dynamics for this new decade.
1. Scott Brown Wins Senate Seat in Massachusetts
2. Death of National Heath Care
3. Rise of Tea Baggers
4. Supreme Court Decision on Campaign Funding
5. Obama move against Mega Banks
6. Apple iPad
7. President Obama State of the Union/Budget
The study of spatial temporal dynamics is nothing more then applying geographical aspects to time and force movement along a path of interactive connections. Consider the actions of a billiard player “breaking the rack.” Force is applied to the cue ball. Cue ball travels a path impacting 15 other balls. Pattern of distribution seems to be random. However, each ball is acted upon by outside force which gives it directional flight from the force of the cue ball. This force of impact and path of directional flight can be measured.
Imagine that each of the seven “political cue balls” is now impacting throughout the fabric of time and space we call American national politics and culture.  
At this very moment, somewhere in the basement of the White House is a team of very bright Democrats charting how these seven events will play out for the Obama Administration.
At this very moment, somewhere in one of the 87 right wing think tanks inside the Washington DC power grid is a team of very bright Republicans charting how these seven events will play out for Mitch McConnell and the national Republican agenda.
Tags: apple ipad GOP scott brown tea party movement
Sections: FrontPage News