The End of Western Civilization, Blood Pressure, and Google
A Short Rant by Ivan Potter
Modern Internet He men often think that they can operate in the shadow world of data channels and micro chips, where their identity is only know to their Internet provider, with total anonymity.
Wrong, as I found out in writing the story about the impact of global climate change on the Maldives Islands. No problem with securing the base facts and story line from half way around the world.
Story is written and submitted to the editor.

As we all know, Google makes money from advertising. What I didn’t know was just how precise they are in marrying up requests to advertisers on a one to one basis.
Five advertisers were linked to my request for data. These five advertisers are shown at the end of this rant.
Based on these ads, I am stock piling “emergency food and supplies, which include my own cache of weapons, along with a new guide book for surviving the coming melt down of western civilization.” And, oh yes, I am doing all of this as I try to lower my blood pressure.
Wow!! That is pretty precise marketing demographics. What is really spooky is that one of best friends has just retired fr
om the post office and he is “stock piling emergency supplies that include food, medical, ammunition (he makes his own bullets), building a bunker and plans to develop a 3,000 foot private runway for small planes.”

My friend, James (name changed for Homeland Security reasons) is my age and is fighting high blood pressure. His worry is that he will not have enough time to complete building and stocking his bunker before the “Yankee Wall Street bankers” destroy America’s economic system.
In reality, I doubt Google has a file on me or my friend (since James has no direct power lines coming into his bunker or landlines for telephones—all battery and off the grid), I suspect that Google has set up a model profiling my zip code.
But just in case I am wrong, maybe I should consider that Google knows what is going to happen!!!
OK, so first thing I should do is not to panic. After that, order the Survival Guide book. James has surplus weapons. And maybe I should go with him to the next machine gun festival in Bullitt County, Kentucky to test fire weapons.
Yes, thanks to Google advertising I now see the light. When everything goes bad, and city people start running for the hills, the hill folks must be prepared and armed. Thank you, Google!
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