OH GOD, Jim Bunning, THANK YOU, Thank you, THANK YOU for being a mean old Republican!!!!!!!!

Mar 17, 2010 at 04:58 pm by admin

OH GOD, Jim Bunning, THANK YOU, Thank you, THANK YOU for being a mean old Republican!!!!!!!!
Saga of Jim Bunning
In the spirit of two simple words, “Tough Shit” Senator Jim Bunning created a historical link back to the royal court of French Queen Marie Antoinette.
Thanks to Senator Jim Bunning, the world knows that the Republican Party of America has no soul! Recent statements by Bunning have done much to define that the Grand Old Party stands only for the rich and super connected.
The career and cantankerous Bunning’s saga reached a new public low on Thursday night, February 25, 2010. This was the crowning occasion in which Bunning defined himself to America as a first class ass. On this night, the US Senate was debating extending unemployment benefits for out of work Americans.  The time was late, near midnight, and Bunning fought to block any efforts by the ruling Democrats to approve of a new round of unemployment benefits.  
According to Arthur Delaney of the Huffington Post accounts of that night, “Jim Bunning, a Republican from Kentucky,...single handedly blocked Senate action needed to prevent 1.2 million American workers from prematurely losing their unemployment benefits...”
“As Democratic senators asked again and again for unanimous consent for a vote on a 30 day extension, Bunning refused to go along.
And when Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) begged him to drop his objections, Bunning
replied: TOUGH SHIT.”
These two simple words seemed to express Bunning’s true feelings for compassion in trying to understand the anguish of the poor, the downtrodden, the out of work, the medical needy, and the families in need of flood insurance.
By his words and actions on this night, Bunning sided with the rich against the needs of the poor.
Saga of Marie Antoinette
It was the best of times and the worst of times. France in 1789 was going through the opening scenes of the French Revolution. The rich Royals of King Louis XVI court knew pleasure and food while the poor shop keepers and peasants starved slowly to death. France had gone through a very bad year with weather and the crops were not in plentiful supply. Bread was especially absent from the diet of most workers.
Queen Marie Antoinette was so pampered and out of touch with the reality of life for the French poor, that when someone told her of the hunger raging through the kingdom, she is rumored to have replied,” Let them eat cake.”    
Saga of Class Warfare and the Kentucky Elections of 2010/2011/2012
The Kentucky Republican Party has stepped up and embraced Senator Bunning as a new
“conservative hero fighting against the Democrats in Washington.”  
Within hours of his tough stand on the floor, Senatorial candidates Rand Paul and Trey Grayson rushed into media campaigns to announce their support of Bunning. They both spoke of how “it was time to draw a line in the sand against the out of control spending from the Democrats in Washington.”
Take your pick, “Let Them Eat Cake” or “Tough Shit”, they both mean that Republicans have come to the defense of their lifestyle of the rich, the pampered, and the out of touch with the problems of working poor and disintegrating middle class.
What is left to consider is that Bunning and the Republicans seem to want to fight the political elections of 2010, the Governor’s race of 2011 and the Presidential election of 2012 along the lines of class warfare where the rich once again in history fight to enslave the poor.

Sections: Editorials