New Green Biz - Clark and KY Green TV

Apr 25, 2010 at 10:31 am by admin

Next to the word “entrepreneur” in the dictionary should be a picture of Bobby Clark.  Clark’s desire to be his own boss is always calling him into new ventures. His newest is Kentucky Student Ventures Corporation (KSVC) Green Entrepreneur Program. The new program is designed to teach low income 18-24 year olds how to start a green business. 
Clark believes that teaching young people how to create a green business will lead to financial success and a way out of poverty. Even if they don’t start a business, the skills of creative thinking, organization and writing will stand them in good stead wherever they wind up. For more information on the program, go to

Clark is interviewed on another new program. KYGreen TV, an internet television program launched on Earth Day. The new station has a Facebook presence and a Twitter feed. For Clark’s interview, shown in two small segments, go to 
KY Green TV
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