Dem Debate 5/7/10: What to do when USEC closes?

May 07, 2010 at 04:55 pm by admin

Question: How can jobs at USEC be replaced?
Sweeney: whatever happens, I would suggest the first thing the federal government needs to do is come down here and listen to the people of Paducah. In Louisville, when military plants closed or threatened to close, we figured out new ways to use that plant.
Price: There was guy who invented a solar water heater that works in all sun lights and all states. He wanted to come here and manufacture them. Bunning and McConnell wouldn’t meet with him. We need green energy jobs. 
Mongiardo: The coal to liquefaction plant that will create new jobs. We need to invest in locks and dams.I-69 roads and bridges. We need to become model for health care. Enhance broadband across this state. We need to push for adventure tourism
Conway: I headed up task for on USEC. We need to fight for clean up funding. Western Kentucky Community and Technical program is place for retraining.
Buckmaster: Closing the plant is a done deal. Job creation is by small business. Green jobs are not sustainable. Lower corporate taxes. Look at trade agreements. Protect jobs.
Sections: FrontPage News