Democracy for America - fundraising to help Conway

Jul 19, 2010 at 04:12 pm by admin

According to Howard Dean of DFA, Rand Paul is "the quintessential far-right wing Republican candidate."

When I returned to Democracy for America last year, I had two priorities: Helping pass meaningful healthcare reform and electing progressives up and down the ballot in all 50 states. Thanks to your hard work, we passed a healthcare bill. It was a long way from perfect, but your work made it a better bill and I'm proud of what we did together.

Now, it’s time to deliver on our second priority.

So today, we announce our first joint endorsement of two progressive champions who will shake up the U.S. Senate when we win in November -- Kentucky's Jack Conway and Iowa's Roxanne Conlin.

Join me and support two progressive champions -- contribute $10 to each right now

I'm not supporting Jack or Roxanne because they're Democrats. I'm supporting them because they have records of fighting for the people, not corporations.

Just look at Jack Conway in Kentucky. Jack's running against the quintessential far-right wing Republican candidate -- Rand Paul. This is a guy so far outside the mainstream that he said the Civil Rights Act that ended segregation in the South was unfair to business and then criticized President Obama for being too tough on BP.

Democrat Jack Conway is a true progressive fighting for the people of Kentucky. As Attorney General, he's worked tirelessly to protect Kentuckians from a utility rate hike that would have cost consumers more than $100 million.

With your support today, we can defeat the right-wing's favorite candidate and elect a progressive in Kentucky to the U.S. Senate.

Contribute now to elect a real progressive in Kentucky

Then there's Roxanne Conlin in Iowa. Roxanne is running against one of the Senate's biggest Healthcare opponents -- Chuck Grassley.

Senator Grassley fought us for more than a year, working everyday to kill the public option and take down all health reform with it. He even went so far as to claim President Obama wanted to "pull the plug on grandma." America doesn't need Republicans like Chuck Grassley in the U.S. Senate.

We need to restore a civil political dialogue in Iowa and Roxanne Conlin is exactly what Iowa needs after 30 years of Chuck Grassley. She's a fighter who will stand up for Iowans, like she did as Assistant Attorney General and U.S. Attorney. When an Iowa teacher was fired for being pregnant, she took that woman's case all the way to the state Supreme Court – and won.

Roxanne will go the extra mile and it's that work ethic that is going to earn her the votes to win in November. Now, we need to provide her with the resources to fight back against one of the Senate's most entrenched Republicans.

Contribute now to elect a real progressive in Iowa

Talking heads in the media say this is a bad year to be a Democrat, but I disagree.

This is a bad year to be fighting for the interests of insurance companies, oil companies and Wall Street over the needs of the American people. Yet that's exactly what Republicans are doing -- and that's why Jack Conway and Roxanne Conlin can win with your help today.

Join me today and we'll prove all the media pundits wrong -- again.

When we work together, we're unstoppable. Thank you, Mary, for everything you do.

Sections: FrontPage News