Beans to Blossoms of Murray - time and money well spent

Sep 19, 2010 at 09:09 pm by admin

Beans to Blossoms signI have terrific sales resistance. Really. I can walk through Wal-Mart from front door to the dairy section (in the back of the store) without detouring to look at, pick up or purchase one single thing. There should be a Guinness World Record category for sales resistance.  I could get my name in the record book except, I have a small chink in my armor.

I cannot get through a garden center, nursery or greenhouse without fingering the merchandise, reading the labels and picking up something. My husband once did our grocery shopping for a whole week at Wal-Mart in Martin, Tennessee, a store we had never visited before and which turned out to be backwards to the stores we use in Kentucky, while I contemplated which hydrangea I wanted to purchase in the garden center. This past year was especially good for blue ones, but the pinks were in better shape. Plus they were on clearance sale. He finally had to come and force a decision lest the milk spoil while I dithered.

This prologue to point out that spending three hours last Saturday morning at Beans to Blossoms in Murray was time and money very well spent. Co-owner Suzanne Cathey tipped me to a remedy for Japanese beetles. This year after they devoured every rose bud of the traditional roses, the little devils even tried the knock out roses. In despair, I broke down and used Sevin dust. I don’t think I killed them as much as insulted them. Suzanne says that the product has to be sprayed every day, but it is an environmentally friendly remedy-unlike Sevin which has more warnings than a pharmaceutical hawked on TV. John Toras Angel

I also learned the name of the fern that we’ve had so many years that we gave her a name. Katherine was a gift from a friend of the same name when we opened our first book store. She produces red berries every year and has proved to be the hardiest fern I’ve ever own. She got so big that we subdivided her. Now we have Katherine and Katherine Jr. They are foxtail ferns. Beans and Blossoms have them on sale and I can recommend them to even a gardener like my husband who killed my mother in law’s tongue when I was working away from home. A feat I thought impossible.

Suzanne and her daughter Lindy McManus moved their business to this new location a mile east of Murray in April 2010. The business was in another location for nine years. With more room to grow, they have plans to expand their offerings. The store specializes in antique roses, heirloom flowers and organically grown produce. Among their customers’ favorites are Cherokee purple tomatoes, which put the cardboard tasting chain store tomatoes back in their cardboard place.

Suzanne and Lindy offer art from local artists in their store. Stained glass from Jennifer Stambaugh. Sculptures in stainless steel ranging in size from a butterfly small enough to grace a potted tree to the oversized garden angel created by John Toras of Marshall County.  

In shamrocks in blossomaddition to the arrangements on hand, Beans to Blossoms will fill your favorite pot with a collection of plants commiserate with your level of plant care skill. They take orders and will help choose the right plantings for your space. Daughter Lindy has a degree in horticulture from Murray State. Mom says she knows her stuff.

I didn’t resist the yellow butterfly bush, the shamrocks or the purple ornamental cabbages. I was able to leave the burning bush until next time. There wasn’t room in the car.


Beans to Blossoms is located at 2397 Highway 94 East, Murray Kentucky. The store has a website –

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