Hickman County - Community involvement makes the difference

Sep 30, 2010 at 10:19 am by admin

Juniors at Hickman County High begin leadership training sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce

At Hickman County Schools, every day we are trying to expand our opportunities in helping our students.  Increased involvement from our community is helping to change our students’ lives.  Our local Art Council is sponsoring concerts, artists in residence and community arts and crafts fair for our students.

The Clinton Chamber of Commerce is in the second year of a Leadership Academy training for our juniors.  Local community institutions have donated tuition money so our college seniors can take dual credit college classes through our Falcon Academy without any costs to our students. 

Area businessman Robbie Rudolph has started the Four Rivers Scholarship Program.  This comprehensive K-12 program buys books for grades K-4, provides career guidance in middle school and college preparation in high school. The Four Rivers Scholarship Program helped 22 of our 43 seniors last year in beginning their post secondary training.  Increased university participation from Murray State, WKCTC, Mid-Continent and UTM-Mart has also helped Hickman County students.

Besides offering dual credit classes at a reduced cost, these universities are helping with ACT preparation and career counseling.  As you can see, increased community partner participation has tremendously helped the students of Hickman County.


Sections: Education