Carlisle County Schools: Focus on improving student achievement

Sep 30, 2010 at 10:19 am by admin

The Carlisle County School District completes the process of accreditation from AdvancED today with an exit report from the QAR (Quality Assurance Review) team. AdvancED is the parent organization of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. District accreditation requires a school system to review its systemic efforts for improving student achievement.  The QAR provides a national perspective for school improvement efforts.  During the past year the Carlisle County Education Team has worked to prepare a Standards Assessment Review (SAR) which the QAR validates making commendations and opportunities for growth.  The accreditation process reflects the determined spirit for growth in student achievement in Carlisle County.

(The seven standards required for accreditation are available on the AdvancED website.)

The AdvancED Accreditation Standards are:

Vision and Purpose – The institution or educational system establishes and communicates a shared purpose and direction for improving the performance of students and the effectiveness of the school/system.

Governance and Leadership – The institution or educational system provides governance and leadership that promote student performance and school/system effectiveness.

Teaching and Learning – The institution or educational system provides research-based curriculum and instructional methods that facilitate achievement for all students.

Documenting and Using Results – The institution or educational system enacts a comprehensive assessment system that monitors and documents performance and uses these results to improve student performance and school effectiveness.

Resources and Support Systems – The institution or educational system has the resources and services necessary to support its vision and purpose and to ensure achievement for all students.

Stakeholder Communications and Relationships – The institution or educational system fosters effective communications and relationships with and among its stakeholders.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement – The institution or educational system establishes, implements and monitors a continuous process of improvement that focuses on student performance.

Sections: Education