Hickman County High School honored veterans with a program featuring patriotic music by the HCHS Band, student soloists, original poetry and presentations by veterans. The words and images were unforgettable.
Veterans spoke of their service and almost 90 year old veteran Elvis Ferguson donned his old uniform and shared some tunes on his harmonica. He received a standing ovation for his efforts.
Hickman County High grad Colt Broyles shared his experience as a Marine. Colt was deployed to Iraq for seven months. He's now a reservist in college at UT Martin studying criminology.
Below, Makayla Keene, left, led a singing of America the Beautiful and friend Kelsey Grubbs read "Life of a Soldier" an original poem about life for an American soldier in combat. At right below, singer Rachel Swift's voice soared on a medley of America the Beautiful and God Bless America.
Veterans in attendance agreed that the turnout was the best ever. Each veteran in attendance told the student of their branch and years of service.
One Vietnam vet said when he was in high school forty five years ago, he didn't have to go to school on Veterans' Day.
That was "hot diggity dog with me" he told the laughing students. "But now that I'm a veteran, Veterans' Day means a whole lot more to me."
Everyone who attended agreed that the program planned by Beverly Hopkins, students and staff at Hickman County High School was "hot diggity dog" with them.