Hickman County High Academic Team gets good sportsmanship award

Feb 23, 2011 at 10:25 am by admin

The Hickman County High School Academic Team competed in the Regional Governor's Cup on Saturday, February 19. Governor's Cup competition includes Future Problem Solving, Composition, Written Assessment, and Quick Recall.

Although none of the Hickman County students brought home any individual honors, the team was presented the Katherine Hume Sportsmanship Award, named for the first director of the Kentucky Academic Association. The award is especially coveted because the recipient school is selected by student representatives from all  the participating schools. 

Members of the team are Ben Paul, senior; Skyler Allen, Kelsey Grubbs, Brett Johnson, and Colton Ray, juniors; Amanda Blalock and Christian Gardner, sophomores; and Michael Galuszka, Sydney Harrison, and Allie Thomas, freshmen.

Sections: Education