Hunting Sand Hill Cranes Wrong

Mar 21, 2011 at 08:35 am by admin

Sandhill Cranes haven't been hunted in Kentucky for over 90 years.

Dear Editor:

     The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources is proposing hunting Sandhill Cranes in the 2011-2012 hunting season.  Sandhill Cranes are gray birds with white cheeks and red on the top of their heads.  They stand 5 feet tall with a wing span of 6-7 feet.  Their gurgling "groo" call is one of the most memorable in nature.  They have slowly returned after having been hunted almost to extinction in the early 1900s.  They mate for life and have a low reproduction rate with a nesting pair averaging one surviving chick every three years.  When a mate is killed, the other mate shows signs of obvious distress.

     These migrating cranes have not been hunted in Kentucky for more than 90 years.  This "first ever" hunting season proposing selling 400 permits (killing of 2 cranes per permit) is being hastily planned for 2011.

     There is no reason to shoot these birds.  There is no evidence of "crop depredation", nor is there sufficient data to determine whether hunting will cause reversion to their threatened status.

     This inspiring species aids an increasingly urbanized world in connecting with the outdoors.  Shooting will increase their skittishness, thus hindering enjoyable wildlife viewing.

     The loss of related tourism outweighs the increased economic activity of hunting.  Hunting related expenditures in Kentucky totaled $423 million in 2006.  Wildlife viewers spent $542 million the same year.

     As an outdoor enthusiast, retired teacher, and RN, I am passionate about preserving nature for our grandchildren.  Preventing Sandhill Crane killing helps preserve Kentucky's natural beauty and diverse wildlife without COSTING THE STATE ANY MONEY.

     This decision will be made in May of 2011. You can learn more about the issue at Please direct your mail or call to Commissioner John Gassett 1(800)858-1549 or #1 Sportsman's Lane Frankfort, Ky. 40601 before May 1, 2011.

                                                                                                                                                   Melissa Easley

                                                                                                                                                   Murray, Ky.