On A Creek and Heaven Bound
Written especially for Samuel, Elizabeth, Sarahmae, & Rosemary
By Judge Bob Moon, Signal Mountain, Tennessee
February 26, 2011
It was a cold and rainy February night
When Emanuel reached the creek
The horse drawn carriage carried his family
As the stream ran fast and deep
Samuel had often traveled the road
To the push button phone close by
A common sight on the narrow paved road
Where the relatives often said "Hi."
A call had gone out to all of the town
In Mayfield and in Dublin
To stay inside for safety's sake
A hard rain is a comin'
But true to their faith in a living God
And after supper with those they loved
Emanuel and family pursued their course
Amid the rains from up above
With halfway home and a mile to go
Inside water, mud and wind
The horse stood tall before the fall
And the family fell within
Rosemary, Sarahmae and Samuel
Became angels in a Kentucky storm
And left their earthly bodies
To take a Heavenly form
And Levi Yoder spoke of Elizabeth
"Just an all-around good girl," he said
Trudging through a muddy field
Where a little girl was dead
And all the neighbors gathered round
To the farmhouse where they live
It is a touching thought, to know quite well
Of the love the Amish give
It was a cold and rainy February night
In a small Kentucky town
That four small angels left this earth
On a creek and Heaven bound