Purchase Area Jefferson Jackson Dinner 2011: Jerry Abramson – a travelogue of campaigning

Jun 19, 2011 at 07:16 pm by admin

Candidate for Lt. Gov. Jerry Abramson - a lonjg day campaigning across the state.

Candidate for Lieutenant Governor Jerry Abramson gave the keynote address Friday evening representing the top of the ticket for Dems. His running mate, Governor Steve Beshear, was inexplicably absent. 

Abramson, running for statewide office for the first time, recited his travel schedule. He started the day in Richmond in Madison County and ended it in Calloway County. Abramson said that across the state, people are talking about jobs.

The man, formerly known as Louisville’s mayor for life, told the crowd that “this governor” had expanded KCHIP (Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program). Compared to other governors, Beshear balanced the state budget without raising taxes as Illinois’ governor did and laying off 3500 teachers as New Jersey’s governor.

Governor Beshear went to India and brought back 280 jobs to Hardin County. Under this governor, Kentucky companies have the same incentives to add jobs as out of state firms.

Abramson, in shirt sleeves, described his humble beginnings working in his family’s three aisle grocery store. He said his parents were both in the US Army. His explanation that his mother “outranked Dad in the service and outranked him at home” brought chuckles.

Abramson finished by reminding Democrats to be proud of who they are.

“Never step back from being a Democrat. We brought you Medicare and Social Security.”
Governor Beshear and running mate Abramson will face the GOP ticket of Senator David Williams and Commissioner of Agriculture Richie Farmer and independent candidates Gatewood Galbraith and his running mate Dea Riley.