A homemade kind of Christmas

Jan 02, 2012 at 03:13 pm by admin

Christmas 2011 will be remembered as the year of receiving homemade gifts and finally getting out my sewing machine and using it.

A live wreath from Katie Beck and a gourd Santa from Pinke SpencerOur front door was the beneficiary of some wonderful local artistry. It was a blue year for us. Katie Beck, master gardener, made the wreath. BussPress, aka Nyle Buss, made the snowflake hangings. The gourd Santa came from folk artist Pinke Spencer.

It is the first year that I've ever decorated in blue. It all started with finding inexpensive (okay, cheap) material to cover the chair cushions in a wintry pattern. That led to a search for snowflake motifs and the blue wreath from Katie. She said that she has a whole roll of the blue ribbon and will be looking for UK fans next year who want to honor their team with its signature colors.

Inside, I made new curtains that sweep down to the floor to cover our drafty windows and baseboards. The new sewing machine that I got a couple of Christmases ago is finally giving up the secret of how to get it to work. It took me forever to figure it out.

We indulged our love of red with these panels-which will go into the closet come spring. The sheers will come back out and we will glory in the sunlight. For now, it's all about electric bills and drafts.Red, red everywhere in our new homemade living room curtains

We are blessed to know so many talented folks - my Christmas again included Whitlock pottery and handmade Berryhill jewelry. It makes me (almost) look forward to next year.  



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