Democratic Party Hard Work Pays Off

Jan 16, 2008 at 02:26 pm by admin

In the72nd House District (Bath, Bourbon, Fayette and Nicholas counties), voters elected Sannie Overly, a dynamic new Democratic State Representative who won every county in the district, and won the overall district vote count by a two-to-one margin. Sannie’s win preserved our party’s 61 seat majority in the House and set the stage for this seat to remain in Democratic hands in November. We are confident that she will bring the same qualities she displayed during the month l09ng campaign for this seat to the House of Representative—honesty, intelligence, and dedication. In the 63rd House District (Kenton County), hardworking Democrats fired a shot across the bow of the GOP machine in one of the strongest Republican districts in Kentucky. While Democrats were disappointed with the loss in the district, record breaking Democratic performance in this election is a testament to the resurgence of our party across the Commonwealth. Democratic and former city councilman Dan Wolf lost by less than 300 votes to come within six points of defeating the Republican. A strong door-to-door effort contributed to an unprecedented voter turn out in a special election and a clear indication that Kentucky is again becoming a blue state.
Sections: FrontPage News