Dream Team wins tournament

Mar 07, 2012 at 01:14 pm by admin

Dream Team won in Pekin IL last weekend.

The Graves County Girls Softball Dream Team 97 won the the 14U ASA Northern National Winter Classic Championship this past weekend in the Avanti's Dome in Pekin, IL. 

The Dream Team 97 opened up their 2012 season with a tournament record of 6-1 beating teams from Indiana, Tennessee, and Illinois.  The Dream Team defeated the Hawks out of Chicago in the championship game by a score of 4-2, avenging an earlier international tiebreaker loss to the Hawks.  The Dream Team outscored their opponents 47-13, with Dream Team's McKenzie Johnson blasting for 3 homeruns, one of which was a grand slam, and Haven Gary hitting a solo homerun. 

The Dream Team would like to encourage all girls ages 8-14 to attend the softball camp they are directing this Saturday at the Mayfield ball park 9-2pm.


PHOTO: Front Row left to right-Haven Gary, Dana Adkins, Kionna Waldon, and Payton Smothers

Back Row: Hannah Ridolfi, McKenzie Johnson, Cassidy Sheppard, Lindsey Whitlock, and Sarah Watts

Sections: Education