Letter to the Editor About Green Mitch

Jan 18, 2008 at 05:21 pm by admin

Dear Editor, Mitch McConnell is running a new TV ad in Kentucky that's just about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. He's calling himself the "Godfather of Green" and an "environmental champion" all because he secured a few million bucks for Louisville city parks and to create the Jefferson Memorial Forest. As far as I'm concerned, it takes more than planting a few trees to be a real environmentalist. Would a true green champion have this kind of record? 1. Mitch McConnell helped protect a $5 billion tax windfall for Big Oil, even after it was removed from the original Senate bill. 2. He has received more than $540,000 in campaign contributions from the Oil and Gas industry. 3. He blocked renewable energy standards from the 2007 energy bill. 4. He has voted at least six times to allow drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. 5. He even helped avowed global warming skeptic Sen. James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) stop Al Gore from holding one of his "Live Earth" concerts on the Capitol's lawn. It all adds up to a shocking zero percent rating from the League of Conservation Voters. With "champions" like these, our natural environment needs all the Democrats it can get. The bottom line is that the Democratic Senate majority can't do all the things necessary to seriously tackle global warming and all the other key environmental issues as long as Mitch McConnell controls enough votes to stand in the way. McConnell's hypocrisy is just one more example of why 51 Democratic seats just aren't enough. That's why it's so important for us to expand and protect our narrow majority in November. Sincerely, J.B. Poersch P.S. Click here to read more about McConnell's outrageous environmental record on the DSCC website.
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