Western Kentucky Race Series at Parks Starts Aug. 25

Jul 16, 2012 at 04:16 pm by admin


FRANKFORT, Ky. – The new Western Kentucky State Park Race Series will start Aug. 25 with the Hot August 5K at Kenlake State Resort Park in Aurora.

The Hot August 5K is the first of five state park footraces and family fun walks scheduled in western Kentucky for 2012. Runners of all ages can take part in all five races to capture the overall championship based on a point system. Walkers are also welcome to participate in the events.

For the first time, participants can register online at https://secure.kentucky.gov/renewalservices/parks/raceseries/

Additional dates and locations are:

    Sept. 22, Run Through the Forest 5K at Pennyrile State Resort Park near Dawson Springs;
    Oct. 27, Trick or Trot 5K at Lake Barkley State Resort Park near Cadiz;
    Nov. 10, Stars and Stripes 5K at Kentucky Dam Village State Resort Park near Gilbertsville; and
    Dec. 15, Reindeer Run 5K at John James Audubon State Park at Henderson.

Each race has a preregistration fee of $15 and a race day fee of $20. For $65, participants can sign up for all five races if paid by Aug. 24. Registration for individual races is handled through the individual parks. The fee for walkers for individual races is $10 in advance of the race and $15 on race day. Walkers can sign up for all five races for only $40 if paid by August 24.

To register for all five races, runners should complete an online registration form, available on the website listed below, and send it to: Western Kentucky State Parks Race Series, 500 Mero St., 11th floor, Capital Plaza Tower, Frankfort, Ky. 40601, or register online at https://secure.kentucky.gov/renewalservices/parks/raceseries/ 

All races will begin between 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. local time on race day.

Awards will be given to the overall male and female winner of each race and first and second place winners in each male and female age division. The grand prize winners, who must compete in all five races, will be named at the Dec. 15 John James Audubon race. Runners who participate in all five races will receive a certificate and will be registered for a special giveaway.

Registration information is available at the state park race series website at http://www.parks.ky.gov/get-your-race-on/. You may also email or call Lisa Deavers at lisa.deavers@ky.gov or 502-564-8110, ext 246.

Sections: Travel & Tourism