(Murray, KY, Saturday, October 13, 2012) - Hickman County Superintendent Kenny Wilson was presented the MSU College of Education 2012 Outstanding Service Award at the 27th Annual Homecoming Breakfast. Dr. Jack Rose served as master of ceremonies. The event was held at the Murray Middle School.
Mr. Wilson, born and raised in Hickman County, is a graduate of MSU where he received a BS degree in Agriculture with a minor in Biology, a MA and 30 hours above a master's degree in Educational Leadership.
Wilson began his career in 1979 as a science teacher and coach at Carlisle County. He came back to Hickman County in 1981 to teach biology. Throughout his 32 years of service to the Hickman County School District, he has taught biology, served as Director of Pupil Personnel, Director of Professional Development, and Director of Technology. In 2009, he was selected to serve as Superintendent.
Under Wilson's leadership, Hickman County has made tremendous strides in improving test scores, adding programs to enhance student achievement. The district achieved the 3rd highest College and Career scores in Kentucky, the 4th highest attendance rate, and scored 46th out of 230 schools on the ACT.
In 2010, Wilson spearheaded the launch of the Hickman County Falcon Academy, a program that offers college classes from local universities free of charge to students.The program, funded through 35 community, farm, and business and industry sponsors, including Robbie and Lisa Rudolph and the Four River's Scholarship Foundation, has flourished during the last three years.
This year, Hickman County juniors and seniors are projected to earn 1100 dual credit hours and average 17 credit hours per senior. Hickman County educators have made presentations about the Falcon Academy at educational and vocational conferences on the state and national level.