What's wrong with this picture?

Nov 13, 2012 at 09:18 am by admin


(Clinton, KY November 4, 2012) - The Kentucky Department of Education sent a powerpoint presentation explaining the new Unbridled Learning Accountability Model to the Kentucky School Board Association District Meeting on Monday, October 29th.  Copies of the presentation were distributed in packets to school board members and press from the First District (Graves, Fulton, Hickman, Carlisle, Ballard) attending the meeting. 

The map on this page of the powerpoint grabbed my attention. I asked why the southern counties were omitted from the map. We were told it was probably an inadvertant preparation issue to squeeze the map onto the page. 

I asked that the map to be corrected and that we be notified when it was. I did not speak to a representative of the Department of Education (I didn't see any), but I did assure the KSBA public relations person that I would withhold comment until Friday, October 31st. 

I hope the Department of Education fixes the map of Kentucky. I have heard nothing.

Excuse my paranoia if some of the counties present at the meeting were cut down or completely off.  The irony that the erKentucky counties mapror came on a presentation about school accountability would be laughable if it wasn't so indicative of how those of us living in far western Kentucky feel we are invisible.  

To be helpful, I am supplying a very nice map I found on a State of Kentucky website as a go by.

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