(Clinton, KY Nov. 26, 2012) - We all do it. We worry about finding that special gift for those in our families or special friends for Christmas. It seems that for most of us, life is a series of hurry up and eats or shop-till-we-drops. Other people seem to have control of our time. Events suck out space and time from our “special alone time” to think about the holidays.
Not to worry. The Friends of the Hickman County Arts Council have worked very hard to secure 50 vendors who will offer unique gifts for those who you hold special to your heart.
The Fair will bring back favorite children’s book authors for those special children we all love. Mom can find hand made jewelry from local artists that compete in quality with the best big cities can offer for a much lower cost.
This year, everyone can enjoy lunch, music from local artists, a how-to wreath making workshop with Master Gardener Katie Beck and a special workshop with Ashley Workman and her students as they help children create their own gifts and goodies.
As you walk through the various displays of local talent, you can even purchase a little something for yourself. Woodcrafts, Christmas items and pottery make great gifts to give yourself for having survived yet another hectic year.
This December 1st will be a special place at the Hickman County Elementary School to also look for gifts to send to those of family living away from home. Think of the joy on Christmas morning when your away family, be it in St Louis, Memphis, Nashville, east coast or west coast can have a little piece of home, wrapped in love.
All in all, this year’s Arts Christmas Fair will be about love.