(Clinton, KY- January 29, 2014) – Concrete chickens decorated in bright colors will be offered by the Hickman County Arts Council. The organization began offering the chickens in 2013 as a fundraiser in conjunction with the Hickman County Spring Chicken Festival. Concrete chickens, pre-ordered from a local contractor, painted in primary colors, were offered for sale. Demand for the birds exceeded availability.Those who got birds were encouraged to display them during the Chicken Festival in late April. Some birds from last year are still on display throughout Clinton.
This year, the Council began taking orders at the Hickman County Arts Fair in December.Orders must be received by Friday, February 21st.
The Council will again offer “do-it-yourself” chickens in addition to painted birds. Purchasers can paint their own birds. The Council plans to have decorated chickens for sale during the Spring Chicken Festival in late April.
This year, chickens will come in three sizes and six prices:
Small chickens: $15 Painted $10 unpainted
Medium chickens: $30 Painted $20 unpainted
Large chickens $50 Painted $40 unpainted
Purchasers are responsible for picking their chickens up in Clinton. Payment is due at pick-up.
The Hickman County Arts Council, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization that sponsors arts, music and literary events for all ages in Hickman County, Kentucky.
To reserve a chicken, contact Mary Potter at 270-653-3312 or email marybpotter@bellsouth.net.