Midwest Coal Project
Valley Watch believes strongly that electricity should be produced in the vicinity where it will be consumed. Currently, areas like southwestern Indiana have become virtual sacrifice zones so that other areas can have clean economic growth while area residents subsidize cheap electric rates with our health and environment.
A child in Evansville is five times more likely to be hospitalized for asthma than a kid in Ft. Wayne, simply because Ft. Wayne has no power plants nearby. (http://health.usi.edu/commhlth/asthma/asthma.htm)
While we recognize that new technology is promising, we will oppose additional power plants for the region unless there is a commensurate elimination of older/dirtier plants of comparable size. No net increase in pollution.
We support the development of new and cleaner technologies that increase energy efficiency and conservation, or use renewable technologies like wind, biomass and solar. Whatever we do, public health is always the criteria we consider before acting. Our Midwest Coal Project is devoted to that end.
Valley Watch
800 Adams Avenue
Evansville, IN 47713
Phone: 812-464-5663