Mission Blitz 2014 -One County's Experience

Mar 06, 2014 at 11:45 am by admin

Mission Blitz Saturday morning volunteers at Clinton First United Methodist Church.

 Amy Harper-Hogancamp raking leaves at Columbus Belmont State Park

(Clinton, KY) - On Saturday March 1st, forty volunteers from Hickman County United Methodist Churches gathered at the Young Center. After a light breakfast, many dispersed into the community. Others remained at the Center in a prayer vigil, making crafts and writing cards for jail inmates.

It’s all part of the Paducah District’s Mission Blitz. Methodist churches in the Purchase will be doing hands on work to improve their communities. Sunday evening March 9th, regional church leaders will gather in Paducah to share their stories. In Clinton, a similar celebration will be held during Soul Café beginning with a light supper at 5:30 followed by a praise service.

The children involved in Clinton First Methodist Wednesday afterschool program shared their smiles and crafts with nursing home residents.

Quest kids visit ICF Nursing Home bringing smiles and gifts.Pastor Stan Walden told church members on the Sunday after Mission Blitz that "we get more out of what we are doing than the people we are doing it for."