The Graves County School District's elementary schools only will add time to school days, starting Monday, April 7, in order to improve the district's options in finalizing the 2013-14 school calendar.
Here are the new starting and ending times for each school, beginning April 7:
Central Elementary will begin class at 7:30 a.m. and end at 3:08 p.m.
All other elementary schools in the Graves County District will begin class at 7:20 a.m. and will end at 2:58 p.m.
The middle and high schools will operate on their regular class schedules; however buses will be delayed as long as 20 minutes.
Like virtually all other school districts in the commonwealth, Graves County officials must hear the resolution the Kentucky General Assembly creates concerning making up school days missed due to inclement weather. As soon as the lawmakers announce their plan and any associated options, Graves County officials will announce the official make-up schedule for its students.
"The entire winter has created constant change. So, we're looking forward to amending our final calendar and sharing it with all of our stakeholders as soon as possible," said Assistant Superintendent/director of pupil personnel Jennifer Smith. "We realize students, parents, employees, and others are anxious about what will happen. By lengthening the school day, effective April 7, it will give us more options for the final calendar. And, that helps students, teachers, schools, parents, and families."
Graves County students have missed a total of 18 days this winter and so far have made up four of those days. The calendar the district's calendar committee created and the school board approved before the 2013-14 school year began calls for making up additional days in late May and early June.
"We're staying in touch with Frankfort and we have several options in mind, based on the choices the legislators make," Smith said. "We hope the options that ultimately are available to us not only will result in our students and teachers getting the instructional time they need, but also will allow families to enjoy time together, in ways as close as possible to any plans they've already made."
The Graves County School District will announce plans for staff make-up days once officials finalize the student calendar plan.