MSU & WKCTC sign transfer agreement

May 29, 2014 at 11:14 am by admin

L to R: Tammy Potter, dean of business and computer-related technologies at WKCTC; Dr. Barbara Veazey, WKCTC president; Dr. Tim Miller, MSU president; and Dr. Tim Todd, dean of the Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business at MSU.

(Murray, KY - May 23, 2014)— An articulation agreement signed today between Murray State University (MSU) and West Kentucky Community and Technical College (WKCTC) allows graduates with an associate in applied science degree in logistics and operations management to transfer seamlessly to a bachelor of science in business degree in logistics and supply chain management at MSU. Through this articulation agreement, students will be able to complete the program entirely in Paducah through WKCTC and the MSU Paducah Regional Campus or entirely online.

The logistics and supply chain degree option was first offered at Murray State during the Fall 2013 semester. Classes in the program are in a hybrid format according to Dr. Teresa Betts, assistant professor of management at Murray State. The courses will be taught at either the MSU Paducah Regional Campus or at the main campus in Murray, with off-site students joining the class through web-based technology. Additionally, to provide greater flexibility for those off-site, the lectures will be recorded so students can review them later if joining the class live does not fit with their schedules.

The program prepares students to manage and coordinate the efficient flow of materials, products and information within and among organizations. Possible career positions for an individual holding this undergraduate degree include managers for supply chain, purchasing, transportation, operations and logistics, and logistics analyst. With Paducah’s many river-related enterprises, this degree is a natural fit for students living there.

Dr. Tim Todd, dean of the Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business at Murray State, sees this collaboration between Murray and WKCTC as a real benefit to the students and the region.

“We are very excited about this new degree program in logistics and supply chain management, especially working with WKCTC and this region,” Todd said. “There is expected growth in the distribution and logistics sector as the economy continues to improve. Paducah/McCracken County’s geographic location provides an advantage for distribution and logistics companies that need to transport products to market. Within a 150-mile radius, there are six interstates, access to five rail companies, four rivers, a river port and a regional airport. Further, within one day’s drive, there is a population of 124 million people. Working with WKCTC, this new bachelor’s program will quickly become a highly sought-after degree.”

“West Kentucky Community and Technical College has been providing an associate in applied science degree in logistics for the past two years, graduating our first class this semester. The completely online program was developed in response to several local economic development studies, which identified our area as a possible transportation hub. The geographical location and the topographical assets of western Kentucky suggest a workforce prepared to support the logistics and supply chain industry that will enhance the economic development in the area of transportation,” noted Dr. Tena Payne, vice president for academic affairs at WKCTC.

“Murray State University has partnered with West Kentucky to provide an additional level of education. Students will now be able to earn a certificate, associate degree or baccalaureate degree, with a clear pathway to completion and employment,” Payne continued. “The partnership between WKCTC and MSU will enable students to stay in Paducah to complete a degree that will contribute to the success of our local economy.”

Students who are interested in learning more about the program can contact either Stephanie Totty, MSU academic adviser, at 270.809.4196 or, or Rachel Goatley, WKCTC academic adviser at 270.534.3187 or

Sections: Education