Mark Wilson takes us on a tour of his town

Jul 24, 2014 at 11:41 am by admin

Mark Wilson, the long suffering and long serving chair of the political portion of the Fancy Farm Picnic (Mark says that his wife is really in charge) took us on a tour of Fancy Farm and shared the wonders of his hometown. He even pointed out some Democrats to us as we traveled about in his golf cart.

We came away with two impressions:

1. St. Jerome's Parish and the residents of Fancy Farm work hard to put on the Picnic - and they work hard to assure that whatever money is raised gets plowed back into the community. And it shows!

2. Mark Wilson loves this little town - and that shows too!

We invite the reader to get in our imaginary golf cart and see more than just the speaker's platform and the Picnic port-a-pottys as we toodle around Fancy Farm Kentucky on a Sunday afternoon.

For photos of the new improved, mega cool political stand, follow "More" below.