Alison Lundergan Grimes is using her Warwagon (campaign bus) to lay siege to Mitch McConnell’s rural areas of strength in West Kentucky. She is traveling to Fancy Farm Picnic by way of many back roads that connect county seats.
Senator Mitch McConnell for years has maintained a special relationship with small rural West Kentucky counties. In fact, many of these counties are listed as Democratic but have voted for McConnell, a Republican.
From Owensboro (Daviess County) down to Paducah (McCracken County) through some 13 counties of West Kentucky, Grimes has just released her “grass–roots effort” to connect with these voters.
Grimes has out performed McConnell on every public occasion with a ground campaign that resembles Wendell Ford. Governor and then US Senator Ford was the best modern Kentucky political campaigner to engaged with the middle class.
Ford used a folksy and common man theme to secure his voters. Ford also held massive “Bean and Hot Dogs” rallies. Over the act of sharing food, Ford asked for their votes. It worked. He got both Democrats and Republicans to vote for his new vision of what Kentucky could be in the new decade of the 1970’s.
Grimes campaign has modernized what Ford did in his day. Grimes has become an expert at waging the best ground war yet seen in this campaign for US Senate. Advance teams that map out campaign routes, 21st Century data and communications systems that serve a series of floating and rolling control and command centers, county and city issue fact briefings have all become standard way of operation for Grimes.
Meanwhile, McConnell has made more mistakes in this current campaign then all of his earlier 30 years of running for office. He has no image of a ground war or structure to put one together. His media campaign of hate and more hate negative attack ads is driving away from him even mild mannered conservative Republicans. McConnell’s attack TV ads have made his secret base up for grabs in this election cycle.
Listed below are the counties that Grimes rolling battleship of a political bus will be touring on the way to debate McConnell at Fancy Farm.
Tuesday, July 29 - Fayette County
Wednesday, July 30 - Nelson, Bullitt, Meade Breckinridge, Hancock, Daviess Counties
Thursday, July 31 - Union, Webster, Crittenden, Livingston, McCracken Counties
Friday, August 1 - McCracken and Marshall Counties
Saturday, August 2 - Graves County