Semi-Aquatic Species Native to Backwaters of the Bluegrass State

Aug 21, 2014 at 11:02 am by admin

Did you know that Turtles breathe through their rear end?

Well that explains alot about Mitch McConnell.....

After watching him for years, what else can I say about someone as vile on the campaign trail as he is. Haven't we all had enough of his hypocrisy and deception? Had enough of his lies and character assassinations?

It must be that rear end breathing that fouls his mind and brain to commit such unscrupulous acts against the people of Kentucky like sending our jobs away overseas, voting against safety measures for our military men and women, and blocking healthcare legislation for our veterans. While he votes time and time again to give himself a pay raise he opposes a living wage for workers, voting 15 times against raising the minimum wage. That man needs to breathe some fresh air!!

Corporations aren't people but he considers them his friends and works for them exclusively. He doesn't deserve to have real people friends. Being a friend to real people means helping others and treating them fairly.

Sorry Mitch, even if you fix your breathing problem, you're too late for my vote. Thirty years of rear end breathing is bound to have "whiff cured" your mind.

Jeanie Embry

Paducah KY