This month's Student Showcase display in the Hickman County High School Library featured clay sculptures created by Melinda Paul's middle school students. To conclude this month-long focus on sculpture, pottery, and ceramics, the high school library recently hosted local artist and Arts Council member Danny Whitlock.
Since retiring fifteen years ago, Mr. Whitlock has developed his interest in throwing pottery and is now quite accomplished at his craft. During this school presentation, Whitlock shared his creative process with students. One student asked, "How long does it take to make one piece of pottery start to finish?" Whitlock explained that with drying and firing times, it can take "about a week."
After the presentation, student Ramsey Crider won the door prize, a tub of air dry clay and a paint set sponsored by the Hickman County Arts Council.
Danny Whitlock became interested in throwing pottery when an artist in resident came to Hickman County while he was an elementary school principal.
Whitlock sells extensively around the region using a trailer he designed to be a set up store. While not on the road to a show, he works in a shop behind his house in Fulgham, Kentucky. The retired school person has no set hours of operation.
He tells potential shoppers that "If I'm home, I'm open."
As shown in the photos, there's a large selection of plates, bowls, pitchers and cups from which to choose. Whitlock's pink and white swirl pattern pottery made of local clay make a great gifts to take home from the Purchase.