Fancy Farm 2015: Rep. Overly tours River Counties

Aug 06, 2015 at 09:11 am by admin

Candidate for Lt. Governor Sannie Overly toured the River Counties from Ballard to Fulton on Wednesday, July 29th. Overly spoke to small groups of supporters at stops in Wickliffe, Bardwell, Clinton and Fulton. She also stopped off at Columbus Belmont State Park.

At left, Rep. Overly speaks with local officials in Ballard Count. Photo submitted by campaign.

At right, Carlisle County Judge Greg Terry, center, toured Columbus Belmont Park with Overly. Photo submitted.

Above: : Overly visited the Hickman County Senior Citizens Center. John McCuiston, a local supporter, introduced her. At right, Overly listens to Hickman County Magistrate Irvin Stroud.

At right, Overly poses with supporters at Fulton campaign stop. Photo submitted.