Ad misleads voters on ACA effect on hospitals

Sep 15, 2015 at 11:14 am by admin

Dear Editor:

The Republican Governors Association along with Americans for Prosperity, a Koch-funded PAC, have financed a misleading ad going out to KYians where they paraphrase an excerpt in a Kentucky Hospital Association "white paper" to imply that the ACA is responsible for jobs lost at KY hospitals.

But this ad is contrary to what KHA President Michael Rust has said that most of the hospitals' layoffs have NOT been a result of the ACA law, but "a changing scene in health care, with more focus on the outpatient area," which started long before the ACA law took effect. Rust even goes on to say that "The Medicaid expansion has helped the hospitals in the state of Kentucky," so hospitals actually want to KEEP it.

This ad is just another in the anti-Obama strategy tool chest that Republicans use to scare and anger people so they'll get out and vote for THEIR candidate.

On Nov. 3rd it really boils down to this: Who will you trust to run this state, our own KY born AG Jack Conway with a proven record of serving and protecting the people of KY or a Wall St. Hedge fund manager from the East Coast?


Jeanie Embry
Paducah, KY 42001

Sections: Editorials