There's plenty to do in Hickman County! Interagency Council members share plans for fall

Sep 15, 2015 at 01:32 pm by admin

Front row: Leanna Wilkerson, Deena Pittman, Becky Seaton, Laura Poole & Lilly, Liz Jewell, Melissa Goodman, back row L to R Ken Jewell, Beverly Hopkins, Vicki Batts, Jason Batts, Mattea Mitchell, Lisa Adams, Kenny Wiilson

(Clinton, KY - September 4, 2015) The Hickman County Interagency Council met at the Extension Office on James Phillip Drive on Friday morning. The group shared news of what their groups and agencies are up to this fall. Representatives of the two local nursing homes, churches, business and volunteer agencies come together quarterly.

Melissa Goodman, shown at right, Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences in Hickman County, opened the meeting by first asking participants to limit their reports to three minutes then repeating the goal of the group is "working together to strengthen Hickman County." She strongly encouraged participants to emphasize opportunities for volunteers to get involved in their events. She told the group that two visitors in the past week, one from Eastern Kentucky, had asked where they could help out. The visitors later reported being impressed with the friendliness of locals they met.

First to report was Becky Seaton of ICF who reported that they were moving to a point-click documentation program at the facility. The facility continues to welcome visitors to share time with residents.

Vickie Batts said volunteers are needed for the Family Resource Center VIP reading program. Volunteers read for 30 minutes a week with one child for the school year. The Watch Dogs (Dads of Great Students) program is getting underway. The program seeks to add more male role models for children. The backpack feeding program currently has forty children signed up. Food is sent home with children on Fridays. Donations are welcome. The Career Fair will be held at Hickman County High School on September 24th.

Karen Edwards, rehabilitation director at Clinton Place, formerly Arbor Place, said that US News & World Report had named Clinton Place a Best Nursing Home. The facility now has a staff of 17 therapists. Volunteers are welcome but will need to have background checks first. The Halloween Party is coming up soon and they are already looking forward to it.

Leanna Wilkerson reported that Quest, an after school program for kindergarten through fifth grade will begin next Wednesday at the Young Center at First United Methodist Church. The Mission Blitz of church volunteers will be September 12th. Projects include mulching the playground behind the church which is used by the community, working with the Mission House and bingo buddies. The JOY group for those 55 and older, led by Vida McClure, meets regularly at the church.

Liz Jewell, reporting for the Hickman County Museum, spoke about the rich history of Hickman County and encouraged everyone to get involved in Heritage Days. She said that at one time, Clinton had two colleges and professors and students came from all over America. "Those people stayed here and their children stayed here." She said.

Liz distributed two flyers, one about the Birthday Cake Break at the Museum on Friday, September 11 from 3:30 -4:30, the other about the Old Time Hymn Sing to be held on September 11th at 7:30. Prior to the Hymn Sing, Clinton Bank is sponsoring an ice cream social from 6:30 - 7:30 on the grounds of First Christian Church on North Washington Street. A poster listing most of the activities of Heritage Week was distributed also.

Liz asked that the community fly flags beginning Labor Day weekend to "honor those who worked to give our freedom."

Deena Pittman of First Community Bank reported that the newest branch in Martin Tennessee is under construction and going well. Wearing her other hat as Chamber of Commerce President, Deena said that the Neighbor to Neighbor program would be launching soon. The Chamber of Commerce sponsored Halloween Parade will be Saturday, October 31st beginning at 3:00 p.m.

Beverly Hopkins, Community Coordinator for the Hickman County Schools, reported that the Hickman County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Program has 21 sophomores signed up to participate. A kick off retreat will be held at the Bone Cabin on beginning on Friday afternoon and extending to Saturday. There have been some program changes and she looks forward to this new year. Falcon Friends, the mentoring group of nineteen high school students that works with elementary age children, is having a fundraiser selling popcorn. Funds go to pay for a luncheon for the group. Beverly also reported that the Miss Hickman County competition will be held September 26th at 6:00 p.m. The public is invited to the Veterans' Day program on November 11th at 9:00 a.m. Featured speaker will be John Bostick, a Hickman County High School graduate, and a member of the Blue Angels.

Laura Poole, president of the Women's Club said that there will be a bake sale at the Women's Club building from 11 - 1 on Friday, September 11th as part of Heritage Days. She urged those present to come by the Museum and have cake on September 11th on the porch and see the progress on the Lamkin building.

Mary Potter, chair of the Hickman County Arts Council, said that a luncheon will be held at the Hickman County Extension Building on November 10th to honor Kentucky Poet Laureate George Ella Lyons. Ms. Lyons will be speaking to students that day. The public is invited to the luncheon. The 11th Annual Hickman County Arts, Crafts and Book Fair is scheduled for Saturday, November 21st at the Hickman County Elementary School gym. Applications for vendors are available by email or directly from Danny Whitlock.

Ken Jewell reported that Hope Church and First Baptist Church are co-sponsoring a Momentum One Conference at First Baptist Church Family Life Center on October 16 and 17th. The program is for high school students. Ken reported he is now counseling with Progressive Wellness, a Therapeutic Center. Ken works at Heartland Worship Center and is also counseling at his office at Hope Church.

Hickman County Judge Kenny Wilson thanked all those who assisted in preparing the 141 page Work Ready application, which is now a model for other counties applying for the designation. There will be a clean up day on September 26th. One dumpster will be located near the courthouse. The other location is to be announced. Bags to use to clean roadways will be given out. Volunteers for clean up are welcome.

The Judge said that there will be new up to date emergency dispatch equipment installed at the Hickman County Detention Center location. His office is working to improve emergency response and the siren warning system.

Mattea Mitchell, agriculture agent for Hickman County, reported that Extension has the food group again this year for primary students taught by Paula McCuiston. The Junior Chef program is also back from last year. Thirty eight students signed up, so there are two groups and a waiting list. They meet once a month. Those who love to cook and would like to share their talents with students should contact Extension to volunteer. Mattea is working on a Purchase Area marketing program for cattle growers and a program called "What's the Scoop on the Poop?" to help chicken farmers use poultry waste more efficiently to save them money.

Mattea also serves on the Christmas Parade committee. The Parade will be held on December 5th. She asked that more floats be entered in the Parade. Last year there were 13 floats.

Lisa Adams reported for Second Baptist Church and the Extension Office. The Church will have a fish fry on September 26th. The public is invited to attend.

She is working on better nutrition with the Extension Service and her target audience is low income adults. She said that she will be working with the Mission House because that is the location of the food pantry.

Melissa Goodman said that the Get Fit Challenge program started this week with weigh ins on September 4th. There will be diabetes workshops during September. Homemakers will give out cookies to local businesses around the Court Square on September 9th as part of Heritage Days. Taste of the Holidays, the only fundraiser held by Homemakers, will be November 6th. A newsletter of events and activities was shared. Copies are available online or at the Extension Office.

A Facebook page for the Interagency Council will be set up by Melissa. Members of the Council will be able to post their events on the page. Ken Jewell reminded everyone that someone needed to like the page for it to keep up with it. All present agreed this is a good idea.

The Interagency Council will meet again on December 11th at 8:00 a.m. At the end of the year meeting, goals will be set for the coming year.