Graves High senior Kiersten Baker awarded MSU art class scholarship

Feb 10, 2016 at 02:43 pm by admin

Graves County High School senior Kiersten Baker was presented an award for a drawing she entered in the Yeiser Art Center's annual regional "Teen Spirit Exhibit." The charcoal and soft pastel drawing portrays a little girl's happy face in black and white, with a sky blue background entitled "Happy." Baker received a $250 scholarship to Murray State University's Summer Art Workshop.

She and fellow Graves High junior Logan Andrews, senior Zach Barnhart, and freshman Bella Noles altogether represented their school well, with a total of five pieces accepted between them. All tolled, the YAC received some 330 entries from regional students enrolled in grader 9-12.

Located in downtown Paducah, the Yeiser Art Center is a non-profit visual arts organization celebrating more than 50 years of serving the community through exhibitions and education throughout the Tri-State Region.

Sections: Education