Delta Regional Authority, state and local partners invest $13 million to strengthen Kentucky's workforce, infrastructure, and economy

Dec 01, 2016 at 02:26 pm by admin

DRA Chair Chris Masingill, Gov. Matt Bevin and Merryman Kemp

MISSISSIPPI RIVER DELTA - The Delta Regional Authority, together with its federal and local-based partners, today announced $13 million in new investments aimed at strengthening Kentucky's infrastructure, workforce, and economy.

Specifically, DRA resources will invest in rehabbing a Henderson river​port crane, strengthening water infrastructure in Cadiz and Paducah, as well as expanding the Merryman House's facilities and services.

"These strategic investments help us accomplish our core mission - create jobs, build communities, and improve the lives of families across Kentucky. Investing in critical infrastructure may not be glamorous to some, but it is essential in our region's effort to attract and keep global companies, skilled workers, and leading entrepreneurs," said DRA Chairman Masingill. "I'm proud to work with all of our partners to invest in the future of the Mississippi Delta region."

"We are truly grateful for the continued investment from the DRA into west Kentucky's infrastructure and critical care facilities," said Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin. "Each project encourages further community development and revitalization, and will foster economic opportunity for years to come."

Regarding the Paducah flood wall project, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said, "This is great news for the City of Paducah and I was happy to assist Mayor Kaler and local officials on this important project. This critical funding will enable the city to update its current pump station that is experiencing pumping capacity loss, which if failed, could potentially lead to devastating flooding in the community."


1. HENDERSON: Rehab Riverport Crane. DRA Investment: $256,500. Total Investment: $914,200. The project consists of the restoration of a 1980 125-ton electric pedestal dock crane for the Henderson County Riverport. The investment will potentially retain 10 businesses and approximately 761 jobs while also supporting and recruiting industries.

2. CITY OF CADIZ: Water Treatment Plant Project. DRA Investment: $400,000. Total Investment: $4,900,000. This project will construct a water treatment plant for the City of Cadiz, KY, increasing water production by 1 million gallons per day. This increase in capacity will be sufficient to support any new industry moving into the community as well as aid the city in preparation for future growth in population.

3. PADUCAH: Rehab Flood Wall Pump Station. DRA Investment: $400,000. Total Investment: $4,504,992. The City of Paducah will rehabilitate the pump station along the Paducah Flood wall. By rehabilitating Pump Station #2, Paducah is minimizing the potential for flooding in the area during storm events and ensuring the proper disposal of sanitary sewer.

4. FULTON COUNTY: Rehab of Clinic. DRA Investment: $142,387. Total Investment: $142,387. The Fulton County Fiscal Court will purchase a facility in the city of Fulton to use as a medical clinic. They will lease the facility to Jackson Purchase Medical Associates to operate the clinic.

5. PADUCAH: Merryman House Acquisition and Rehabilitation Project. DRA Investment: $256,500. Total Investment: $2,185,332. The project calls for the purchase of 26 acres and 8 buildings with the intent to renovate one of the buildings to accommodate a new 36 bed domestic crisis center which is an increase of 12 beds.

The investments were made primarily through the DRA States' Economic Development Assistance Program, the agency's main federal funding program that invests in basic public infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, workforce development, and small business and entrepreneurship, and health access projects in the 252 counties and parishes of the eight-state Delta region. DRA coordinates directly with the states' planning and development districts in the region for program funding implementation.

DRA leadership works closely with the governor of each state and his board designee to identify projects to receive SEDAP investments, which are aligned with state economic development goals. These federal investments require a minimal investment of state funds that can bring a large return in DRA and other agency funding and result in a great economic impact for the Delta region.

About the Delta Regional Authority

The Delta Regional Authority is a federal-state partnership created by Congress in 2000 to help create jobs, build communities, and improve lives through strategic investments in economic development in 252 counties and parishes across eight states. To date, the DRA's SEDAP investments, together with its state and local partners, have leveraged $138 million in federal resources into more than $2.9 billion in public and private investment into local small business owners, entrepreneurs, workers, and infrastructure development projects. These investments have helped create or retain more than 26,000 jobs since the DRA was established. Learn more at