The word unheard. The people unseen.

Jan 23, 2017 at 06:21 am by admin

The Saturday March for Equality and Social Justice in Murray Kentucky was at its core a political statement. The people there, women, men, youth and children walked and carried signs expressing opinions.. Opinions on the new president, treatment of their bodies, treatment of the land, water and air around them, treatment of their working conditions, treatment of how they conduct their private lives.

There were words said that can be repeated in church. There were words that can't.

With all the words written, spoken, chanted, there was a word that was not said, not on a sign, not on the march, not from the bed of the flat bed truck that served as a speaker's platform.

The word was DEMOCRAT. The Democratic Party was never mentioned, never praised, never condemned.

The Democratic Party for the eight hundred people in Murray Kentucky on Saturday was nonexistent. Nonessential. Unneeded. Invisible.

The Grand Old Party shouldn't gloat over the absence of the word "Democrat." Republicans were mentioned in hissing tones by adults out of the children's hearing.

It should not be a surprise to anyone that the word didn't come up when one considers who was absent.

Elected officials. No glad handing. No speeches. No selfies. No baby kissing. No solidarity with the aggrieved.

It may have been different at some of the 600 plus sister marches around the world.

In Murray Kentucky on January 21, 2017, the word unsaid, Democrat, was shouted across the miles.

Democratic leaders in Frankfort need to take heed. They have a choice here in Western Kentucky now that the March for Equality and Social Justice is history.

Lead, follow or get out of the way.

Sections: Editorials