During this time of political crisis in American government, most people only know what is covered each at 5:30 pm in national TV from ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, or MSNBC. Often these sources spend only a few seconds or few minutes covering national political news and events.
For those of you with the luxury of time, there is another way to be informed on what is happening in this Age of Trump. It is simply reading what the national and local sources are saying about events. My wife and editor keeps me informed about Twitter and Facebook postings.
Because I can't spell and have been blessed/cursed with slow typing skills, I have chosen to read newspapers and magazines concerning the events of America and Trump.
Below are some of what I read.
The Nation
Latest issue has "The People VS. The President" has their lead story.
The Atlantic
Latest issue has lead article "How to Build an Autocracy."
The American Prospect
Whole issue devoted to RESISTING TRUMP. This issue has 9 articles on fighting back to Trump.
Mother Jones
Latest issue is featuring "RISE UP: Confronting the extremists capitalizing on Trump's victory"
High tech magazine with special issue featuring 49 mega trends that will shape America for the next decade.
Foreign Affairs
Great discussion on foreign challenges facing America during the beginning of an Age of Trump.
Editor's Note: For those going paperless, all of these magazines can be found online. Some offer both paper and online access for affordable prices. We encourage you to sign up. The downside, as the Luddite author points out often - is that online doesn't do a thing for our coffee table!