Oct 05, 2018 at 11:52 am by admin

Once upon a time there was a nation upheld as a beacon of light. This nation came from the minds of men seeking to elevate the best of mankind over might. It was a grand experiment in seeking to govern by the people for the people. When people were tossed about because of color, sex, or credo, this nation reset. These adjustments were noble in intent but inadequate in some quarters; a gap between "haves and have nots," rich and poor, long existed and continues to grow. The idea that: "all men are created equal" has been exacerbated by ignorance, inattention, and unforgiving tribalism.

Onto this scene burst a maniacal egotist of dubious moral fiber and minimum intellect-"ORANGE CALIGULA." The original Caligula murdered, strangled opposition, and burned much of his empire.

Orange Caligula saw fault lines in the Nation's Democracy and set about destroying democracy, freedom of speech, and the press, aided by a minority of citizens. The counter to one seeking to become a dictator is the power of the vote in a democracy, about half of the citizens eligible neglect to register to vote or vote. Their neglect in voting effectively neuters citizens, leaving their right to complain brushed aside by politicians.

Two score five thousand lies and untruths have been spoken by Orange Caligula as he trades friends for foes. His personal freedom appears restrained or checked by either a sick admiration for Putin or perhaps a set of tapes depicting sexual exploits with some number of persons of undisclosed sex, male or female?

Fast forward twenty years: Orange Caligula is on his death bed. His lifetime reign bestowed by a clueless spineless Congress in removing term limits on the Presidency. Political prisoners outnumber members of the defense establishment. His nearest in-law at his bedside, waiting for his leadership to rise supreme as other contenders have been eliminated.

Fast forward another thirty years, fifty years from now. Remaining survivors of civil war wear masks to counter the toxic air; The allies of the past have been conquered and divided between West Red and East Red. A peace between West and East has ensued as they agreed the nation once held up as a beacon of light has been reduced to a heap of rubble; its people vanquished to third class citizenship in a world desiccated by Orange Caligula........................

Sections: Editorials